Sunday 8 November 2009

Charities Chosen

OK - serious time. This is where you have to get your money out. I have chosen the four charities I want to support...

The Alzheimer's Society - an undersupported area of medical research with real hope of making breakthroughs in a condition which affects the lives of millions of sufferers and careers.

Rainbows Children's Hospice - a local hospice in Loughborough which does fantastic work with children with life limiting and life threatening conditions.

The National Trust Neptune Coastline Campaign - the races are over some of the most spectacular coastline in the country, much of it owned by the National Trust - but they need help to maintain it, and to protect more of it.

The Tolkien Society Education Travel Bursary - I owe much of the happiness in my life to the Tolkien Society, from meeting my wife to finding many of my friends. The Education Travel Bursary is a new venture to promote the educational side of the society by helping Tolkien Scholars to attend events and visit places relevant to their work.

Links to the relevant online sponsorship pages are on the left. Please choose your favourite(s) from the list and give generously - remember I am doing 7 months of dedictaion and pain for this!!

Many thanks.

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